[arg_discuss] some US conference updates

Bryan Alexander Bryan.Alexander at nitle.org
Fri Mar 16 20:03:30 EDT 2007

Rats. I really wish I could have gone. What's planned for next year's, so I can clear the decks and actually make it there?

Texas sounds extra nice, too, as we get his with yet another winter storm, up here in the New England mountains.
(evidence appearing at http://flickr.com/photos/bryanalexander/)

-----Original Message-----
From: arg_discuss-bounces at igda.org on behalf of Brian Clark
Sent: Thu 3/15/2007 12:52 PM
To: 'Discussion list of the IGDA ARG SIG'
Subject: [arg_discuss] some US conference updates

Belated greetings and really great to catch up with so many of you folks on
the Death by Junket tour (ARGFest to GDC to SXSW for a number of us, with a
host of other people popping in at one step of the tour or another.)

Thought it might be interesting for folks who couldn't make everything to
get some pointers of highlights:

* ARGFest-o-Con was a great amount of fun and the panels and presentations
of world-class quality. Fortunately, they've got a host of post materials up
linked in from the conference wiki (http://wiki.argfestocon.com/) including
a link to videos of all the panels at

* Jane McGonigal gave a number of interesting presentations at GDC and
posted about much of it on her blog

* The ARG SIG managed to actually get around a table ... well, about 20 of
us did, which is a good start.

* There was a strong panel on ARGing at SXSW (report from Tony Walsh here
the_args/ ) -- most people there already knew what ARGs were, and it was
standing room only at a conference that normally draws more traditional web
topics. Anyone got a podcast version of that?

* At the SXSW web awards, the Fallen ARG won for best site in the
experimental category, and Perplex City was a finalist in the Entertainment

Woof! Not bad exposure for the community overall in the last couple of
weeks. Did I miss any major highlights?


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