[arg_discuss] Recent updates

Siobhan Thomas four at nucleus.com
Tue Jun 5 08:51:53 EDT 2007

I meant to subscribe to this sig a long while ago, but have only got around
to doing it now.

I'm interested in the learning potential of ARGs, and research, in
particular, pervasive learning games. A couple of years ago I developed a
very basic ARG (heavily influenced by nokiagame and majestic) to teach
economics and politics to 14 to 16 year olds. The project was very small
scale but got me excited about the potential of ARGs as a teaching tool.

Since, then I've mostly been working on a model of pervasive learning,
basically a set of design guidelines that can be used for the design and
evaluation of pervasive learning.

In my work time, I teach at london southbank university and next semester
I'll be teaching a class in ARG/ locative/ pervasive game design. Mostly,
though, I pay the bills doing museum evaluations. It's fun and still very
related in an everything is a game kind of way.

I'm also part of the london game research group so if anyone out there is
living in london would be good to see you at a meeting (we meet once a


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