[arg_discuss] [meta] Quoting

Adam Martin adam.m.s.martin at googlemail.com
Sun Jul 1 07:25:00 EDT 2007

One of the other SIG mailing lists (casual games) is having some
trouble with over-enthusiastic message quoting at the moment - a few
people accidentally "quoting the entirety of the previous days 20
emails" for starters, and then several people replying to that by
quoting the whole of that as well, and just adding a single sentence
at the end.

Fortunately, we don't have a problem on this mailing list at the
moment, but please try to keep quoting relevant. If you're not
responding to any particular part of the original post, rather the
whole thing, it's OK to just quote nothing - if you keep the subject
line the same, email readers (and the mailing list archive) will do
the smart thing and it'll work out fine.


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