[arg_discuss] Looking for ARG Writers

Mike Stein mike.j.stein at gmail.com
Wed Jan 31 18:23:58 EST 2007

Hi ARG sig,

Long time lurker, first time poster.
I'm a grad student at USC's Interactive Media Department. I've started up a
game design club, that I hope to turn in to a USC Student IGDA chapter.
We've got a lot of members who are interested in ARGs, and I thought I good
way of making them happy while growing the club would be to bring in
somebody who's done writing for an ARG.

So, if you or somebody you know has done ARG writing, would like (or
wouldn't mind) talking to a group of students about the experience, and is
in the Los Angeles area, please get in touch with me.

Mike Stein
IMD Grad Student

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