[arg_discuss] [arg discuss] Call for Academics for ARG Whitepaper

Christy Dena cdena at cross-mediaentertainment.com
Fri May 26 03:15:22 EDT 2006

Hello All,


I would much appreciate if you could circulate the following call to places
you think appropriate:




Needed: Academics who have investigated Alternate Reality Games


I'm writing a section on ARGs and Academia for the upcoming IGDA ARG SIG
whitepaper. I'm after approaches from all fields using all sorts of
methodologies, and by researchers at different levels of candidacy or
postdoctoral status. Since there are many investigations in development
around the world I'm including unpublished insights and findings along with
published ones.


For your information, here is part of the successful abstract I submitted to
the SIG:



Alternate Reality Games have captured the imagination of players and
academics from its beginning. Academics have analysed the form through
comparative analysis with other arts types both contemporary and historical;
have employed the aesthetics of ARGs as illustrations of cultural phenomena;
have utilised ARGs to interrogate the nature of reality and fiction;
utilised ARGs design for pedagogical applications and have also proposed
reframings of methodologies in light of the unconventional form.
Consistently, however, they have tried to understand the emergence of this
form. Some of these academics are players, some are not. Some are
independent scholars, some have made ARGs a subject of a PhD, the PhD or a
post-doctoral investigation. Papers have been given at conferences, in
journals and articles offered online. Their investigations into what an ARG
is, the implications of the form on entertainment, the design of ARGs and
the creative heritage of this form provide well researched and measured
considerations that offer unique contributions for the benefit of players,
designers, researchers, industry and media.



I have already contacted some academics around the world but I'm sure there
are those I have overlooked in error and those I am not aware of. Either
way, if you're an academic who has investigated ARGs, in any capacity, I
want to you to contact me! I'll be gathering this information over the next
month. Email Christy Dena at cdena at cross-mediaentertainment.com.


Hope to hear from you soon,









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