[arg_discuss] Whitepaper - Update

Adam Martin adam at mindcandydesign.com
Sun Jun 4 10:12:18 EDT 2006

I believe there's one person who's still waiting for a response from me 
on whitepaper outline (Sorry, Wendeth!) - anyone else, if you've not 
heard from me by now, please let me know - you've officially slipped 
through the cracks.

A couple of people are still working on their outlines, mainly due to 
late submission, but - Adrian and Evan, I'm looking at you - we 
absolutely need these ASAP, or risk not having a final copy of the topic 
in time for publication.

Another mail to go out very soon to all contributors, but in the 
meantime, here's some excellent whitepapers to read for inspiration (if 
you only read one, read the first - but do read at least one!)



Adam Martin
CTO, Mind Candy Ltd

tel: 0207 501 1904 - fax: 0207 501 1919
www.perplexcity.com - www.mindcandydesign.com

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