[arg_discuss] Stranger Adventures

Michelle Senderhauf argdiscuss at varin.org
Fri Apr 7 22:46:25 EDT 2006

From: "Kira Snyder" <kiras at yahoo-inc.com:

>I came across this today: http://www.strangeradventures.com/
> Looks like it just launched. Episodic, wholly online, more in the vein of
> Jamie Kane and Majestic than the "this is not a game" experiences. Cash
> prize for the first correct solution per episode. Free but supported via 
> ads
> and sponsorship.
> Is anyone playing or involved?

I've been playing and have been having a lot of fun.  I tend to really get 
sucked into the treasure hunt sort of games though.  I'm a sucker like that. 
It probably also helps that I won some decent cash on the last episode. ;)

I wouldn't really call it an ARG, but it has a few ARG-ish qualities ( I'm 
not saying that's a bad thing).  In each episode there are a series of 
pretty easy puzzles that are a part of a bigger meta puzzle.  The characters 
mass email the players (no individual personalization) and record videos of 
themselves finding clues.  So basically there's only one way communication - 
from the characters to the players.  The first player to enter the correct 
answer to the meta puzzle wins $25,000.  Every player who enters the correct 
answer after that splits the second prize of $10,000.

It's the type of "ARG" I could see someone like my mom getting into. The 
puzzles aren't complicated encryptions and you don't have characters calling 
you at 3am.

The signup is open for the next episode if anyone is interested in checking 
it out.  They usually close the signup before the episode starts and each 
episode lasts for 7 days.

Michelle Senderhauf (varin)

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