[arg_discuss] [meta] introductions

Christy cdena at cross-mediaentertainment.com
Fri Dec 23 08:04:01 EST 2005

Andrea Phillips wrote:
> So who are you guys?

Hello, I'm Christy Dena and thrilled to be involved with this list, indeed
this time in the evolution of entertainment in general. I came to ARGs
through my research: I'm doing a PhD in Cross-Media Entertainment and find
ARGs the most developed type in this genre. I investigate best practice in
design for CME and ARGs for my research, for my own creative projects and
for my work as an industry mentor. I mentor linear producers (film and TV)
to help develop their properties into CME (http://www.lamp.edu.au/). My
creative projects are bi-channel works that combine print and the web
(specifically bots). 

As for my past, I started with theatre, creating the first multi-media
theatre production at my Uni in the early 90s. I then worked as a producer
in the first fully digital production studio in Oz, producing digital
effects for TVCs, film, web and CD-Roms. I've also pursued lots of other
non-media related roles. To cut to the chase: a few years ago I got back to
my writing and have been developing stories that are told across two media
at least. I research more than that, looking at ARGs, adaptations,
franchises, networked performance, locative-arts, iTV, episodic gaming and
so on. I have a research blog (which is sporadically updated and mixes
industry & academic content) at http://www.cross-mediaentertainment.com; I
co-edit a blog on New Media Arts at http://www.writerresponsetheory.org and
there is some info about my PhD here: http://www.polymorphicnarrative.org. 

Have a great hols everyone,

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